
Fit for Law

Free online courses for legal professionals which promote psychologically and emotionally healthier ways of working in the law.

Part one is about managing and understanding yourself

Part two is about working with others

Fit for Law is a collaboration between LawCare and academics at the University of Sheffield and The Open University.

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Fit for Law Part 3 - participants needed

Dr Emma Jones and her team are still on the lookout for interviewees to start work on Fit for Law Part 3 and we need your help.  

What does mental health in your legal workplace look like?  Can you tell us?

LawCare is working with academics from the University of Sheffield and The Open University to develop the third part of their Fit for Law set of free online resources for legal professionals.

  • Who do we need?  Managers, leaders or human resources professionals whose role is in a legal workplace.
  • Why?  To help us inform content and create Part 3 of Fit for Law which will provide a practical toolkit for employers, managers, leaders and human resource professionals.  The aim is to empower them to develop psychologically and emotionally healthy legal workplaces and promote positive wellbeing.
  • What do we need?  Just 45 mins – 1 hour of your time to talk about mental health in the legal workplace.
  • Where?  It's an online meeting, one-to-one with a legal academic.
  • When?   As soon as possible, we will work to sort a time that suits you

Full details can be found here: Participant Information Sheet.

If you are interested in being interviewed, please contact Dr Emma Jones of the University of Sheffield on [email protected].

Part 1: Managing and understanding yourself

The course takes 2 to 4 hours in total to complete but is broken down into smaller sections, and includes videos from legal professionals discussing wellbeing issues as well as a range of interactive activities.

Fit For Law Part One Managing And Understanding Yourself

Part 2: Working with others

‘Working with others’ takes 2 to 4 hours in total to complete but is broken down into smaller sections and includes videos from legal professionals discussing the ways they work and communicate with others. The topics covered include: 

  • working effectively with clients, 
  • working effectively with colleagues, and 
  • collaborating with third parties. 
FFL2 Launch Instagram In Bright Blue (1080 × 1080Px)

Fit for Law is a collaboration between LawCare and academics at the University of Sheffield and The Open University.

The two courses are about emotional competence and professional resilience. They are part of the Fit for Law series; an on-going programme to promote psychologically and emotionally healthier ways of working within law that was developed based on evidence from focus groups with legal professionals across the UK. The courses aim to upskill individuals and encourage positive organisational and cultural change in the legal workplace. 

Each course takes 2 to 4 hours in total to complete but is broken down into smaller sections.  The courses are available to everyone studying law or working in the legal profession in the UK, Channel Islands and Isle of Man and could be used as CPD in some jurisdictions.  Please make sure you enrol and login so that you can complete the interactive activities and get a Statement of Participation on completion

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