
The Legal Mind Podcast: Disability, diversity and inclusion with Reena Parmar

Rose Donnelly, Engagement and development manager at LawCare, was joined by Reena Parmar, Chair of The Law Society of England and Wales Disabled Solicitors Network.

Reena Square V2 Nov 2023

Rose and Reena discuss a number of topics including Reena’s experiences as a disabled woman from a minority ethnic background, her strategies for managing living with non-visible disabilities alongside a busy career in law and multiple carer responsibilities, her role as Chair of the Disabled Solicitors Network and the disability network she co-led at Freshfields.

The Law Society of England Wales Disabled Solicitors Network promotes equal opportunities for disabled people within the legal profession. It encourages solicitors to use their experiences and expertise to support aspiring solicitors or colleagues seeking to progress in the legal sector. You can follow their work on their LinkedIn group

The best practice guidance Reena mentions in the podcast can be found here: Reasonable adjustments in organisations – best practice for disability inclusion. Reena also mentions this LawCare article about living with a long-term illness.

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More about Reena

Reena Parmar is passionate about equity, diversity and inclusion and a vocal advocate for disability and neuro-inclusion. Reena has her own non-visible disabilities, is a parent carer for neurodivergent children as well as a carer for a disabled parent.

Alongside a thriving legal career as Counsel specialising in debt capital markets at an international law firm, Reena is the appointed chair of The Law Society of England & Wales Disabled Solicitors Network.  

In 2023 her advocacy on disability and neurodiversity led to Reena being featured as a role model on the first Enable Role Model List by INvolve, and she was also shortlisted for the inaugural Legal Heroes Awards by The Law Society.

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