
LawCare launches training on the new SRA rules

We have a **NEW** 2 hour online training on compliance with the new SRA rules about workplace culture and behaviour. This 2 hour online workshop on 29 November, 2 to 4pm, is for individuals and is run by regulatory practitioners. Book your place on the 29 November now

We're also taking bookings from firms and organisations. Email us on [email protected] and one of our training team will get back to you.

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The training is about compliance with the new SRA rules on workplace culture and behaviour and is aimed at those with responsibility for compliance and people management.

The training is delivered by the LawCare training team alongside LawCare trustees.

  • The trustees are practising solicitors with current risk and regulatory experience.
  • The training team are experienced, non-practising solicitors with direct experience of listening to and supporting legal professionals through difficult times in their legal careers.

This evidence-based training includes insights and fictional case studies which are informed by real stories and scenarios we have heard through our support service.  The training covers:

  • The extent of the new SRA obligations on fair treatment and what this means for you (whether as a partner/member or otherwise) and your firm (as a regulated entity).
  • The risks of failing to protect and support colleagues.
  • Reporting obligations to the SRA.
  • Understanding psychological safety, burnout and autonomy and ways of managing psychosocial risk factors.
  • Examples of effective management and supervision good practice, and self-care and healthy working practices.


The training works best in person, but please let us know if you would prefer it to be delivered online. We recommend a 2 hour session, but it can be delivered as a 1 hour or 1.5 hour session.

The cost varies according to the format and length of the session you require. Please get in touch on [email protected] and we will provide an exact cost which includes any preparation work, delivery on the day and any follow-up required.

Our training team has a comprehensive combination of skills and experience including, crucially, lived experience of the rigours of practice. We understand the effects that can be experienced by those impacted by poor workplace behaviour (such as bullying, harassment or discrimination) as well as those accused of it, and have a unique insight into the consequences of the investigation process.

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What are the new SRA rules?

In April 2023 the SRA introduced new rules on health and wellbeing in the workplace with accompanying guidance. The Codes of Conduct were updated to include specific obligations for firms and individuals to treat colleagues fairly and with respect, and not to bully or harass them or discriminate unfairly against them, and for managers (the partners/members of the firm), an obligation to challenge behaviour which does not meet this standard. The SRA also clarified the approach to situations where a solicitor's health issues may affect their ability to practise or to participate in enforcement processes.

Why choose LawCare?

  • We have a thorough knowledge of the education, practice and regulatory environment in which lawyers work and the high professional standards expected of them.
  • We understand the culture and practice of law and how this may impact mental health and wellbeing as evidenced by our Life in the Law research.
  • We have been supporting people in the legal community for 25+ years.

We're here to listen...without judgement

Contact our free, confidential, emotional support service for the legal sector
0800 279 6888
Email our support team [email protected]

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