
Building a better life in the law conference 2023

On Thursday 16 November we held our 2nd  'Building a better life in the law' conference where we focused on people risk management.

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We explored the psychosocial risks in legal workplaces and why effective management and supervision is the key to supporting the mental wellbeing of your staff, meeting regulatory objectives and a fostering a culture where people feel valued and belong.

Conference topics

  • Understanding psychosocial risks
  • Perspectives on managing psychosocial risks
  • Exploring reverse mentoring as a tool to support wellbeing and inclusion in the legal workplace
  • Leadership insights on people risk management
  • Australian perspectives on psychosocial risk strategy

This conference was made possible by the generous support of The Solicitors'​ Charity.

Many thanks to everyone who attended and contributed to the ongoing discussion about psychosocial risk in the legal workplace.

“I really hope that you will take away one nugget from today that is going to make you think about something that you could do differently, either yourself within your workplace, to start shifting culture into an environment where we really think about how we can mitigate and prevent those risks from occurring that are undermining people’s mental health in the legal profession. Because we want our profession to thrive, we want it to be sustainable, and we want it to continue to attract and retain a wide range of people in the law.”

Elizabeth Rimmer, CEO of LawCare

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Your Stories 

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