
The Legal Mind podcast - Supervision with Gillian Bishop and Chris Mills

The importance of good supervision

We listen in on a conversation between Gillian Bishop and Chris Mills on the importance of good supervision in the legal profession.

Gillian Bishop is a solicitor and children law arbitrator.  She is the founding partner of Family Law in Partnership Ltd in London. The niche family law firm was set up 26 years ago and was the first in the country to offer in house counselling for clients. Gillian started having supervision with Chris Mills nearly 8 years ago and introduced it to the rest of her colleagues soon thereafter.   Now a consultant with the firm Gillian spends her time providing reflective supervision to lawyers in other firms, having trained through FLiP Faculty, as well as championing the need for wellbeing to be top of the agenda of all law professionals. 

 Chris Mills is a psychotherapist and clinical supervisor who began working alongside family lawyers in 2006.  Initially this was in collaborative divorce settings, but gradually came to include psychological debriefing sessions for lawyers working on particularly stressful cases.  In 2012 he began providing regular reflective supervision for individual lawyers.  The scale and reach of this has grown rapidly since working with Gillian Bishop, including running a training in family law supervision through FLiP Faculty.  One of Chris’s early supervisees, now a senior partner, has said that she would no longer consider practising as a family lawyer if it didn’t include regular supervision.

Anyone interested in having supervision can access the up to date list of supervisors via www.familylawsupervisors.co.uk

If you are interested in training as a supervisor email [email protected] for more information

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